This moisture must be removed to avoid condensation on metal surfaces such as pipes and critical electrical components, which leads to corrosion and shortened life. The key to managing moisture issues is effective dew point control. When the dew point of the air inside the plant is kept below the lowest surface temperature of pipes and all other metal surfaces, condensation and subsequent corrosion, is avoided.
MSP® Technology offers high efficiency dehumidification solutions tailored to each application. Our corrosion resistant design includes stainless steel construction and epoxy coated components. MSP® Wrap-Around Plate Dehumidification Technology has no moving parts in the airstream (except a fan) and is a reliable, low maintenance product with superior operating costs savings.
Controls, fog and dripping.
Reliable, simple technology, no moving parts, low maintenance.
Delivers consistently low dew-point temperatures.
Sanitary with no standing water.
Cut dehumidification operating costs by up to 60%.
Fast ROI and competitively priced.
Works with chilled water and refrigerant units.
The single unit provides dehumidification, sensible cooling, heating and ventilation air.