Dehumidification is of critical importance in surgical suites, where the surgeon is subject to long active hours under radiant heat from lighting and equipment, while the patient’s thermal condition requires moderately warm temperatures. Maintaining a low dew point in the operating room allows additional heat transfer from the surgeon through perspiration, while the sensible temperature can be moderated for patient comfort. Further, these requirements include the demand for large volumes of ventilation air, the control of micro-organism growth, and the challenge of balancing the environmental comfort levels of patients and hospital staff.
MSP units are high efficiency equipment is perfectly suited to this environment, providing reliable facility dehumidification using up to 50% less energy than competitive systems. Dehumidification can help reduce the number of harmful microorganisms that exist in a hospital environment as they need water to grow, initially, and survive for longer periods in humid conditions. Humidity must also be controlled inside ductwork and ASHRAE Standard 62 recommends keeping relative humidity below 70% within ducts in order to minimize potential for growth of harmful bacteria. An additional consideration, which is of particular importance in light of the large outside air volume requirements, is the recommendation that supply air humidity be brought well below the desired room conditions. This is done so that condensation occurs less frequently on the indoor cooling coils, reducing potential for bacteria growth.
Controls, fog and dripping.
Reliable, simple technology, no moving parts, low maintenance.
Delivers consistently low dew-point temperatures.
Sanitary with no standing water.
Cut dehumidification operating costs by up to 60%.
Fast ROI and competitively priced.
Works with chilled water and refrigerant units.
The single unit provides dehumidification, sensible cooling, heating and ventilation air.